Treatment Procedure|Wecare Chiropractic & Natural Care, located in Fujisawa, Kanagawa, just 4 minutes away from JR Fujisawa station on foot!!

Wecare Chriopractic & Natural Care is located in Fujisawa, kanagawa, just 4 minutes away from JR Fujisawa station on foot!!



Medical Interview

We take time to ask the detail condition and history of a patient to efficiently exam and accurately determine health problems, and to identify possible diseases hidden that may need immediate medical attention.


We conduct educated examinations to identify a cause(s) of a symptom(s) and underlying hidden problems of a patient. We also determine the appropriateness of treatment based on the patient's condition at the time. We may refer some patients for medical attention if necessary.


We fully and respectfully explain assessment of a patient based on medical interview and examinations performed, as well as benefit of the treatment and prognosis, so that the patient can make informed decisions and consent the treatment plan.


We provide a patient of a selected tailor-made treatment, which is the safest and most appropriate care possible. A patient is entitled to ask any questions at any time of the process.

This is the well-known fact that many seek for individual-ideal care due to persistently annoying symptoms such as neck/low-back pain, muscle stiffness and discomfort. Although the first choice of care for these symptoms tends to be medical care, this choice may not benefit you. This is partially because functional problems, as opposed to pathological ones, do not obviously appear on medical examinations, which can introduce to misdiagnoses, subsequent mistreatment, and in the end, unwanted outcomes. Because of its unique viewpoint in health, chiropractic can be of your great help!

The duration for recovery from a symptom(s) varies one another depending on age, gender, height and weight, underlying disease, daily activities, social/economic status, and so on. The process to correct health problems without drugs or surgery may require days, weeks, or months, or even longer. Frequently patients with acute or the youth respond to the treatment well and may need just a several visits. Contrary, patients with chronic conditions or the elderly tend to take longer duration of care. It can also depend on the amount of patient-self active care. In general, our care can be categorized into 3 stages, as follows.

First stage - Symptom relief care -

dummy_071.jpgIn the first stage of our care, the main purpose is to reduce or eliminate your symptom as short time as possible. In this case, the symptom would be mainly pain or ache.

Although, it is hard to say how long it will be, generally it doesn’t take so much time.
(2 visits / week for 1 or 2 weeks = 2 ~ 4 visits)

Second stage - Rehabilitative care -

dummy_056.jpgOnce your symptom (mainly pain or ache) has gone, you are now in the second stage. In the second stage, we identify the underlying cause of your discomfort at first. Then, we correct the underlying cause and improve neuromusculoskeletal function. Care would be supplemented by rehabilitation exercises, nutrition and modification of daily habits. Therefore, the frequency of office visits is reduced.
(1 visit / 2 weeks for 4 ~ 8 weeks = 2 ~ 4 visits)

This second stage is the most important phase because once your condition subsided, you may think your problems have gone and now all is well. For this reason, you may decide to stop your efforts. However, if you stop your care before fully healing the joints, the muscles and soft tissues, you can invite a relapse. As a result, you come to conclusion that you may come to office again and again or you may give up overcoming your problems.

This is a mistake many people make. Therefore, This is the most important phase of our care and we especially passionate about this rehabilitative care.

Third stage - Maintenance and Wellness care -

dummy_030.jpgCongratulations, you are now in the final stage. We promise that if you come to this final stage, you could become a doctor for yourself through our education and your experience which you could overcome your problems. Therefore, You can prevent the problem from recurring by yourself.

However, we know that no matter how dedicate patients care their body by themselves, many of them cannot maintain their body perfectly, ironically even us.

Thus, the final stage is designed to maintain your improved health, encourage normal spinal function, prevent the return of the original condition. For this purpose, we mainly focus on catching small problems before they become serious. A personal Maintenance and Wellness program will be designed for you how to incorporate good nutrition and exercise habits into your everyday life, thereby promoting vitality, endurance, and the ability to enjoy life at its best.

(We recommend you to come our office once a month or 2 months.)